
发布时间:2020-10-14 浏览次数:







男,博士,教授,硕士生导师,首批黄大年式教师团队成员,药物制剂专业(湖北省一流本科专业)负责人,世中联李时珍医药研究与应用专委会常务理事,中国民族医药学会健康产业分会常务理事,Washington University in Saint Louis 访问学者(2017.9-2019.9);从事的研究领域为传统药物抗痛风研究,在国际上享有一定的声誉。主持国家重大新药创制、国家自然科学基金等课题10余项;发表包括Ann Rheum Dis., Neuron, J Clin Invest.在内的论文 50 余篇;授权专利10余项;参编著作5部;参与获批新药临床批件3项;获得湖北省科技进步奖二等奖1项(2022,排名1);先后入选武汉市青年科技晨光计划(2016),湖北省“三万活动”先进个人(2016),3551 光谷人才计划(2020)。











2017.092019.09Washington University in Saint Louis,访问学者;





2. TRPV4感知痛风微环境变化和介导NLRP3活化探讨菝葜抗痛风的机制 (No82074081,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,在研,主持,55)

3. 傣药大麻药总皂苷滴丸的临床前研究及创新关键技术(NO2017ZX09301060-007,科技部重大新药创制课题,结题,主持,111.45万元);

4. 基于NALP3炎性体与尿酸转运子的菝葜酚酸抗痛风肾病作用机制研究(No81303284,国家自然科学基金委青年项目,结题,主持,23万);

5. 温敏离子通道TRPV4介导痛风“喜夜间发作”的机制及大麻药干预研究 (No2022020801010404,武汉市基础应用项目,在研,主持,20)

6. 大麻药总皂苷抗痛风机制研究(No2015070404010183,武汉市科技局人才项目,结题,主持,10万);

7. 痛痹定滴丸治疗痛风临床前研究(中药五类新药)No2016060101010035,武汉市基础应用项目,结题,主持,15万);

8. 长阳皱皮木瓜产业技术集成综合示范(湖北省科技厅惠民计划,结题,高校负责人,200万元)。

9. 荜茇抗代谢性疾病的产业化 (No2020ZC0205,武汉市3551人才项目,结题,主持,100)



1. Liu P, Ye L, Ren Y, Zhao G, Zhang Y, Lu S, Li Q, Wu C, Bai L, Zhang Z, Zhao Z, Shi Z, Yin S, Liao M, Lan Z, Feng J, Chen L*. Chemotherapy-induced phlebitis via the GBP5/NLRP3 inflammasome axis and the therapeutic effect of aescin. Br J Pharmacol. 2023, 180(8):1132-1147.

2. Li Q, Liu P, Wu C, Bai L, Zhang Z, Bao Z, Zou M, Ren Z, Yuan L, Liao M, Lan Z, Yin S*, Chen L*. Integrating network pharmacology and pharmacological validation to explore the effect of Shi Wei Ru Xiang powder on suppressing hyperuricemia. J Ethnopharmacol. 2022, 298:115679.

3. Lan Z#, Chen L#*, Feng J, Xie Z, Liu Z, Wang F, Liu P, Yue X, Du L, Zhao Y, Yang P, Luo J, Zhu Z, Hu X, Cao L, Lu P, Sah R, Lavine K, Kim B, Hu H*. Mechanosensitive TRPV4 is required for crystal-induced inflammation. Ann Rheum Dis. 2021, 80(12):1604-1614.

4. Hu X, Du L, Liu S, Lan Z, Zang K, Feng J, Zhao Y, Yang X, Xie Z, Wang PL, Ver Heul AM, Chen L, Samineni VK, Wang YQ, Lavine KJ, Gereau RW 4th, Wu GF, Hu H. A TRPV4-dependent neuroimmune axis in the spinal cord promotes neuropathic pain. J Clin Invest. 2023, 133(5):e161507.

5. Xie Z, Feng J, Hibberd TJ, Chen BN, Zhao Y, Zang K, Hu X, Yang X, Chen L, Brookes SJ, Spencer NJ, Hu H. Piezo2 channels expressed by colon-innervating TRPV1-lineage neurons mediate visceral mechanical hypersensitivity. Neuron. 2023, 111(4):526-538.e4.

6. Wei L, Hongping H, Chufang L, Cuomu M, Jintao L, Kaiyin C, Lvyi C, Weiwu C, Zuguang Y, Nanshan Z*. Effects of Shiwei Longdanhua formula on LPS induced airway mucus hypersecretion, cough hypersensitivity, oxidative stress and pulmonary inflammation. Biomed Pharmacother. 2023, 163:114793.

7. Liu P, Wang W, Li Q, Hu X, Xu B*, Wu C, Bai L, Ping L, Lan Z*, Chen L*. Methyl Gallate Improves Hyperuricemia Nephropathy Mice Through Inhibiting NLRP3 Pathway. Front Pharmacol. 2021, 20;12:759040.

8. Xie Y, Liu L, Zheng J, Shi K, Ai W, Zhang X, Wang P, Lan Z*, Chen L*. Polygoni Multiflori Radix Praeparata and Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma ameliorate scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment by regulating the cholinergic and synaptic associated proteins. J Ethnopharmacol. 2023 , 311:116400.

9. Wen Z, Kang L, Fu H, Zhu S, Ye X, Yang X, Zhang S, Hu J, Li X, Chen L, Hu Y*, Yang X*. Oral delivery of porous starch-loaded bilayer microgels for controlled drug delivery and treatment of ulcerative colitis. Carbohydr Polym. 2023, 314:120887.

10. Yin H, Huang L, Ouyang T*, Chen L*. Baicalein improves liver inflammation in diabetic db/db mice by regulating HMGB1/TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway. Int Immunopharmacol. 2018, 55:55-62.

11. Feng X, Zhong GJ, Deng Ba DJ, Yang B, Chen L*, Du S*. Hepatoprotective effect ofHerpetospermum caudigerumWall. on carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats. J Cell Mol Med. 2018, 22(7):3691-3697.

12. Chen L*, Lan Z. Polydatin attenuates potassium oxonate-induced hyperuricemia and kidney inflammation by inhibiting NF-κB/NLRP3 inflammasome activation via the AMPK/SIRT1 pathway. Food Funct. 2017, 8(5):1785-1792.

13. Lan Z*, Hu C, Huang Y,Chen L*, Ma C, Mei Z, Lin Q, Huang X, Deng X. Safety assessment of saponins extract in Dolichos falcatusKlein: Subchronic study in Sprague-Dawley rats. J Ethnopharmacol. 2015,174, 230-7, 2015.

14. Wei H, Hu C, Xie J, Yang C, Zhao Y, Guo Y, Mei Z, Chen L*, Lan Z*. Doliroside A attenuates monosodium urate crystals-induced inflammation by targeting NLRP3 inflammasome. Eur J Pharmacol. 2014, 740, 321-8, 2014.

15. Deng X, Zhao X, Lan Z, Jiang J, Yin W,Chen L*. Anti-tumor effects of flavonoids from the ethnic medicineDocynia delavayi(Franch.) Schneid. and its possible mechanism. J Med Food. 2014, 7:787-94, 2014.

16. Chen L, Mola M, Deng X, Mei Z, Huang X, Shu G, Wei L, Hou X, Lan Z*, Lin Q*.Dolichos falcataKlein attenuated the inflammation induced by monosodium urate crystalsin vivoandin vitro. J Ethnopharmacol. 2013, 150, 545-52, 2013.

17. Chen L, Lan Z, Lin Q, Mi X, He Y, Wei L, Lin Y, Zhang Y, Deng X*. Polydatin ameliorates renal injury by attenuating oxidative stress-related inflammatory responses in fructose-induced urate nephropathic mice. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013, 52C, 28-35, 2013.

18. Chen L*, Lan Z, Ma S, Zhao L, Yang X*. Attenuation of gouty arthritis by emodinol in monosodium urate crystal-treated mice. Plata Med. 2013, 79, 634-8, 2013.

19. Chen L, Lan Z, Zhou Y, Li F, Zhang X, Zhang C*, Yang Z*, Li P. Astilbin attenuates hyperuricemia and ameliorates nephropathy in fructose-induced hyperuricemic rats. Planta Med. 2011, 77, 1769-73, 2011.

20. Chen L, Yin H, Lan Z, Ma S, Zhang C, Yang Z*, Li P, Lin B. Anti-hyperuricemic and nephroprotective effects of Smilax chinaL. J Ethnopharmacol. 2011, 135, 399-405, 2011.



1. 大麻药总皂苷的抗动脉粥样硬化、调血脂及抗心肌缺血作用:中国,ZL201310463135.7 [P]. 2017-12-29.

2. 苜蓿酸-3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷、苜蓿酸及其盐在制备防治肿瘤药物中的应用:中国,CN201410314397.1 [P]. 2016-12-07.

3. 竹节参多糖、竹节参总皂苷及竹节参皂苷V的应用:中国,ZL201410721839.4 [P]. 2017-08-18.

4. 苜蓿酸-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷在制备防治骨病药物中的应用:中国,ZL201210338442.8 [P]. 2016-11-02.

5. 一种大麻药药材的炮制工艺:中国,ZL201410183597.8 [P]. 2017-02-15.

6. 竹节参提取物在制备治疗鼻炎药物中的应用及组合物:中国,ZL201710231305.7 [P]. 2020-09-29.

7.竹节参提取物在制备抗抑郁药物中的应用及组合物:中国,ZL201710231293.8 [P]. 2020-07-28.

8.大麻药苷A和大麻药总皂苷的提取方法及其应用:中国,ZL 102875615 A[P]. 2013-01-06.

9.白杨素酰胺衍生物及其医药用途:中国,ZL201210478309.2 A[P]. 2015-04-22.



1. 中药炮制学实验与指导(2),中国医药科技出版社,副主编

2. 中药炮制学(2),中国医药科技出版社,编委

3. 中国毒性民族药志,科学出版社,编委

4. 土家医药双语词汇,中医古籍出版社,编委

5. 中药药效研究方法学,人民卫生出版,作者



1. 湖北省科技进步奖:“防治代谢性疾病的中药关键技术创新及应用”, 第一获奖者,二等, 2023

2. 甘肃省高等学校科研优秀成果奖:“濒危药材秦艽替代资源黄管秦艽的药学研究与应用”第二获奖者,二等,2017年;

3. 湖北省高等学校教学成果奖:“民族药学人才实践能力提升——依托国家民族药学实验教学示范中心的探索与实践”第七获奖者,二等,2018年。


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