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近年来,作为主要参与者参与了国家自然科学基金项目1项,主持了中国博士后科学基金项目1项,校级项目2项,参与了“十二五”国家密码发展基金项目1项,湖北省自然科学基金2项,校级项目多项,横向项目10余项。在国际重要学术期刊Future Generation Computer Systems, Information Sciences, Journal of Supercomputing,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,IEEE Access, Chinese Physics Letters,国内重要期刊发表相关研究论文20余篇,其中多篇被SCI、EI收录,在Pattern Recognition Letters, IEEE Network, IEEE Globecom等多个国际期刊和国际会议担任审稿人,参与申请了国家发明专利6项并获授权。出版了1本专著《网络主动防御技术》
1. Jin Xie , Fuxi Zhu, Minxue Huang, Naixue Xiong , Sheng Huang, Wei Xiong. Unsupervised Learning of Paragraph Embeddings for Context-Aware Recommendation. IEEE Access. 2019(7): 43100-43109.
2. Wang Q, Xiong W, Zhang Y, et al. Remote analysis of myocardial fiber information in vivo assisted by cloud computing. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018(85):146-159.
3. Zhuo Yu,Qian Wang,Wei Xiong, Chengde Zhang, Huaifei Hu. Segmentation of cardiac tagged MR images using a snake model based on hybrid gradient vector flow. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2017(2):1-26.
4. Yashuang Denga, Hanping Hua, Naixue Xiong, Wei Xiong, Lingfeng Liu. A general hybrid model for chaos robust synchronization and degradation reduction. Information Sciences, 305(1):146–164,2015
5. Deng Y, Hu H, Xiong W, et al. Analysis and design of digital chaotic systems with desirable performance via feedback control. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2015, 45(8): 1187-1200.
6. Wang Q, Xiong W, Deng Y S. Time-Varying Impulsive Anticontrol of Discrete-Time System. International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Information Security. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015:326-336.
7. Xiong Wei, Hu Hanping, Xiong Naixue, Yang Laurence T., Peng Wen-Chih, Wang Xiaofei, Qu Yanzhen. Anomaly Secure Detection Methods by Analyzing Dynamic Characteristics of the Network Traffic in Cloud Communications, Information Sciences, 258(1), 403-415,2014
8. Xiong Wei, Xiong Naixue, Yang L. T., Park J. H., Hu Hanping and Wang Qian. An anomaly-based detection in ubiquitous network using the equilibrium state of the catastrophe theory, Journal of Supercomputing, 64(2):274-294, 2013
9. Xiong Wei. Anomaly-based detection using synergetic neural network. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 6(4):188-196, 2012 (EI检索)
10. 熊伟。基于小波的网络流量异常协同相变检测, 计算机应用, 32(8):2271-2274, 2012
11. 熊伟,胡汉平,王祖喜,杨越。基于突变级数的网络流量异常检测。华中科技大学学报:自然科学版,2011,39(1):28-31 ( EI检索, No. 20111213768448)
12. Xiong Wei, Hu Hanping, Yang Yue, Wang Qian. Anomaly detection of network traffic based on the largest Lyapunov exponent. 2010 2nd International Conference on Advanced Computer Control. 2010. 581-585 (EI检索, No. 20104213306665)
13. Xiong Wei, Xiong Naixue, Yang T. Laurence, Vasilakos Athanasios V., Wang Qian, Hu Hanping. Network Traffic Anomaly Detection based on Catastrophe Theory. 2010 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops. 2010. 2070-2074 (EI检索, No. 20110913697933)
14. Yang Yue, Hu Hanping, Xiong Wei, Ding Fan. A Novel Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Model Based on Superstatistics Theory. Journal of Networks. 2011,6(2):311-318(EI检索, No. 20110813693411)
15. 杨越, 胡汉平, 熊伟, 丁帆。一种基于超统计理论的非平稳时间序列异常点检测方法研究。计算机科学, 2011,38(6):93-95
16. Yang Yue, Hu Han-Ping, Xiong Wei, Chen Jiang-Hang. Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Method Based on a Feature of Catastrophe Theory. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27(6):060501-1-060501-4(SCI检索 IDS:611HK)
17. Yang Yue, Hu Hanping, Xiong Wei, Ding Fan. A novel network traffic model based on superstatistics theory. 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications. 2010, 1-4(EI检索, No. 20102813069552)
18. 马卫,熊伟。基于协同神经网络的网络流量异常检测。华中师范大学学报:自然科学版,2012,46(5):537-539
19. 王倩, 龚建平,宋恩民, 熊伟。CT图像中肺结节毛刺特征的计算机量化方法. 华中科技大学学报:自然科学版,2011,39(7):26-29 (EI检索,No. 20113214216667)
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