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姓名: 黎永秀








1. Yongxiu Li, John Z. H. Zhang, Ye Mei(*), Molecular dynamics simulation of protein crystal with polarized protein-specific force field, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014, 118(43):12326-12335.

2. Yongxiu Li(#), Ya Gao(#), Xuqiang Zhang, Xingyu Wang, Lirong Mou, LiLi Duan, Xiao He(*), Ye Mei(*), John Z. H. Zhang(*), A coupled two-dimensional main chain torsional potential for protein dynamics: generation and implementation, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2013, 19(9):3647-3657. 共同一作

3. Ya Gao(#), Yongxiu Li(#), Lirong Mou, Wenxin Hu, Jun Zheng, John Z. H. Zhang, Ye Mei(*), Coupled two-dimensional main-chain torsional potential for protein dynamics II: performance and validation, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2015, 119(11), 4188–4193. 共同一作

4. Xianwei Wang, Yongxiu Li, Xiao He(*), Shude Chen, John Z. H. Zhang(*), Effect of Strong Electric Field on the Conformational Integrity of Insulin, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014,118(39): 8942-8952.

5. Bingbing Lin, Ya Gao, Yongxiu Li, John Z. H. Zhang, Ye Mei(*), Implementing electrostatic polarization cannot fill the gap between experimental and theoretical measurements for the ultrafast fluorescence decay of myoglobinJournal of Molecular Modeling, 2014, 20(20): 2189.

6. Lirong Mou, Xiangyu Jia, Ya Gao, Yongxiu Li, John Z. H. Zhang, Ye Mei(*), Folding simulation of Trp-cage utilizing a new AMBER compatible force field with coupled main chain torsions, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, 2014, 13(4): 1450026.


E-mail: liyongxiu84@163.com

